42nd Annual Canon Car Club Car Show

A fine display of superb automobiles!

2024-06-18 Cañon Car Club


What a great weekend at the 42nd Annual Canon Car Club Car Show and thank you very much for participating!

All in, we served over 300 hot dogs to our guests and club members.  Based on this year, we may need to start a chili-cookoff next year – there was a great mix of bean and/or beef chili, hot or mild and red or green; something for everyone.  Then there were the sides, more (but different) beans, macaroni and potato salads, leafy green salads and fruit.  And ohhhhh the deserts – a chocoholics dream, cobblers, cakes and cookies.  The Canon Car Club crew did a fantastic job and by the looks of the crowd, their efforts were greatly appreciated.

Dawn came early on Saturday and members of the Car Show team were on the job as early as 4:30am.  There were tents to set up food trucks to organize, the Nick Donovan music festival with guest DJ Wally, port-a-potties, trash cans and unload all the leftover food and drinks from the night before for the team and our guests.

The first show car arrived about 6:30 and it seemed non-stop until about 11am as the Abbey acres filled with some astounding cars and trucks.  All told, we had 305 cars, trucks and custom rides registered from as far away as New Mexico and Arizona.  We had 37 different makes represented from AMC to Willys; Chevy and Ford dominated with 96 from each represented.  Not too surprisingly, Camaros, Corvettes and Mustangs were popular individual models but 1930-40 vintage Ford’s and 55-57 Chevy’s were also very well represented!

The Canon Car Show Rodder’s Choice – our best of show – was entry #279, a highly customized 1964 Ford Econoline pickup painted a brilliant Tangerine from Monument, CO. 


Our posters and artwork for next years show will feature this car prominently.

The table below shows our Rodder’s Choice, Top 5, Ladies Choice and this year’s charity – Fremont County Humane Society - selections:


The real highlight of the day, and the day was pretty spectacular, was the auction held in support of our charity for 2024, The Fremont County Humane Society, highlighted by our custom pedal car.  


The club and our guests raised $4000 dollars and we should all be proud of that effort!


A HUGE THANK YOU to all the club members who helped organize the show and an even BIGGER THANK YOU to all of those who brought out their cherished automobiles to share with us all.  THANK YOU VERY MUCH.  And lest we forget - a hearty thank you to all our 2024 Car Show donors and sponsors - without whom, none of this would be possible.  THANK YOU!

One more thing – please mark Saturday, 7th June 2025, on your calendar and join us for our 43rd Annual Canon Car Club Car Show.  (We’ll be sending out e-mail reminders in January when registration opens.)  Bookmark our website, www.canoncarclub.com, for news about our other upcoming events.